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Jane Coleman-Porter
Board Chair
Board of Trustees
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Tony Brigano
Vice Chair
Board of Trustees
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Mike Parkes
Board of Trustees
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Jay Jadwin
Board of Trustees
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Kristia Adrian
Board of Trustees
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Rachel Althof
Board of Trustees
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Brian Carey
Board of Trustees
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Rochelle Dunn, Ph.D.
Board of Trustees
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Erin Fiorito
Board of Trustees
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Megan Garbe
Board of Trustees
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Dr. Steven Guy, Ph.D.
Board of Trustees
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Kyle Kane
Board of Trustees
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Ian Kieninger
Board of Trustees
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Andrew Meslow
Board of Trustees
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Nikki Mesnard
Board of Trustees
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Jason Pheister
Board of Trustees
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Lara Ray
Board of Trustees
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Dr. Bren Sutter
Board of Trustees
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Terry Ziegler
Board of Trustees
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