Orton-Gillingham Educator Training
Marburn Academy is accredited by the Orton-Gillingham Academy (OGA) and meets the criteria as an appropriate certification pathway by the Ohio Dyslexia Committee. Marburn’s Orton-Gillingham training empowers educators with the tools to remediate student reading difficulties.
Lisa Neuhoff, an OGA-accredited Fellow, leads all courses. Lisa has been practicing the Orton-Gillingham approach since 2000, holds a master’s degree in reading science, and has trained and supervised more than 250 teachers and tutors.
For more information on the OGA instructional levels and accreditation, please visit www.ortonacademy.org.
Orton-Gillingham Courses and Practicum
Multiple options for training are available at Marburn Academy throughout the school year and summer.
Classroom Educator Level
This 35-hour course meets the Orton Gillingham Academy (OGA) standards for Classroom Educator Certification. The coursework provides educators with content knowledge in reading acquisition, the Orton-Gillingham Approach, the structure of the English language, and the development of lesson plans.
Dates and Times:
Coming Soon
Cost: $995 with a $100 non-refundable material fee (doubles as the deposit)*
Location: Marburn Academy, 9555 Johnstown Rd. New Albany, Ohio 43054
Prerequisite: Bachelor Degree
*For an additional fee, a supervised practicum with formal observations can be requested.
Associate Level
This course meets the standards for Associate Level Certification. Parts 1 and 2 are required for those with no prior coursework. For those who have taken the Classroom Educator course, only Part 2 is required. This course includes:
60 hours of coursework;
40-60 hours of supervised tutoring practicum;
The rationale for selecting the Orton-Gillingham approach for individuals with dyslexia;
Extensive information on reading acquisition development in all learners, the neurological basis of reading, and the essential components of effective reading instruction;
In-depth understanding of the Orton-Gillingham approach;
Assessment and lesson planning, and;
Adaptation of the Orton-Gillingham approach for classroom instruction.
Dates and Times:
Associate Part 1: June 9 – 17, 2025, 8:30-3:30 p.m.
Associate Part 2: June 18 – July 18, 2025*, 8:30-3:30 p.m.
Part 1 and 2: $2,000 with a $250 non-refundable material fee (doubles as the deposit)
Part 2 only: $1,000 with a $250 non-refundable material fee
Location: Marburn Academy, 9555 Johnstown Rd. New Albany, Ohio 43054
Prerequisite: Bachelor’s Degree
*Must have Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator course or prior approval to only take this section.
If you are interested in either of the Associate Level trainings, please complete the Inquiry Form below.
Testimonials about the OGA Course
“The mindset, multi-sensory activities, and language background I was outfitted with allowed me to return to my classroom and better engage my students. I became more intentional with my introduction of vocabulary and content, and I saw dramatic results. Since that time, I’ve had the privilege to view the program’s impact from the vantage points of a classroom teacher, Summer Program Director, and Division Head. I continue to see the benefits the approach has for both educators and students.”
“Marburn offers the best educator training to help students with learning differences. I have taken four separate Orton-Gillingham approach courses, and Marburn is the most valuable course I found. None of the other courses I took offered the practical experience of lesson planning and tutoring with guidance. For teachers and parents wanting in-depth information about teaching reading with the Orton-Gillingham approach, Marburn Academy is the place to go!”